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Meet the seller in person, check the item and make sure you are satisfied with it before you make any payment. If available, go for Cash on delivery.

Buyers – do not make any payment before receiving an item. Sellers – do not send an item before receiving any payment.

Avoid anything that appears too good to be true, such as unrealistically low prices and promises of quick money.

Never give out financial information such as bank account details, eBay/PayPal info, and any other information that could be misused.

Be aware of frauds as we do not offer any form of payment scheme or protection. Please report any emails claiming to offer such services. Avoid using online payment services or websites unless you are 100% sure that they are genuine. Furthermore, we do not send emails or contact you asking your personal and bank details. We do not send you any email apart from our mail address admin@onna.lk

We neither charge any fee nor allow items that are not located in Sri Lanka.

Always follow the Ad Posting Policies and Guidelines when posting an Ad.

We, onna.lk work regularly to give you a quality service and trying our best to protect you from scam. However onna.lk do not take any responsibility if you have been the victim of a scam. It is your responsibility to get all the contact details, proof of identity and any supporting documents of the people you deal with when you buy or sell any product or service.

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